Where we live is home. Where we are is home. Where we want to be, there is longing. Where we feel safe, there is trust. Where we feel drawn, there is desire. And where we become small, we find humility. But we cannot express who we are in one word. We are travelers, arrivals and departures. For a lifetime.
As the Elias Hospice team, we accompany people. Outpatient and inpatient. We cannot give life. But we can help patients and their loved ones in a phase of life that can be frightening and painful, but also peaceful, conciliatory and, yes, alive.
It is our task and obligation to contribute to this vitality. To this end, we treat patients in all their diversity and individuality with esteem, respect and acceptance. With us, they can be who they want to be.
“We prefer to think queer instead of lateral”
Rolf Kieninger
Our stance
The Elias Hospice is known beyond the borders of the Rhine-Neckar region. We are aware of our social mission and are committed to spreading the hospice idea and at the same time advocating greater acceptance, respect and courage. We see this as our contribution to an open-minded and democratic society.
With the Intersex Inclusive Pride flag, we want to express our openness towards gays, lesbians, bisexuals, people of color (PoC), Blacks, trans*gender, intersex and non-binary people.
Nurturing all senses
Hospiz Elias has been based in the Gartenstadt district of Ludwigshafen since it was founded in 2005. Not far from St. Marienkrankenhaus, the outpatient hospice and palliative care service (AHPB), the inpatient hospice and the administration of the Bildungswerk Hospiz Elias are all under one roof. For you, this means care and service from a single source.
The Elias inpatient hospice offers space for 8 people with serious, incurable illnesses. Designed at ground level and barrier-free, Hospiz Elias not only meets the latest technical standards, but also combines quality of life with the communal and individual needs of its residents with extensive green spaces, gardens and quiet areas.
In spring 2017, a donor-funded extension was built, enabling the Elias Hospice team to better integrate its fields of activity. The arrival of the outpatient hospice service and its administration means that, above all, people who are admitted to the inpatient hospice will see someone they are already familiar with from their home care, who can allay any fears or strangeness.
Our offers and events for relatives, students and interested parties, as well as seminars for volunteers, have since found their place in the new building via the Bildungswerk Hospiz Elias. The newly designed seminar room with 60 seats is a place for encounters, awareness-raising and further training.
Our goal
We want to give people whose terminal illness is very advanced a place in everyday life. Dying is still a taboo in our society; saying goodbye to life is associated with loneliness, fear or being controlled by others.
The idea of hospice is different. The focus is no longer on fighting for a cure, but on strengthening and accompanying the patient in a phase of acceptance and letting go.
Our goal: the greatest possible quality of life, dignity and participation for our patients. Because what is important to us in life should also count in death.
The patients and their needs are our focus. Patients are treated with respect, given comprehensive and understandable information and have the right to make their own decisions. We preserve their dignity and freedom in their final phase of life.
Respecting the diversity and individuality of our patients is a matter of course for us. We welcome all people equally, regardless of their cultural or religious background, their origin, their sexual and gender identities! This applies to patients, their relatives and families of choice, but also to employees and cooperation partners. Everyone has the freedom to be and be themselves as they wish.
We pay particular attention to sensitivity and understanding of people who have experienced discrimination and people with disabilities. Our staff are always ready to listen to their needs and requirements.
As a well-known institution in the Rhine-Neckar region, Hospiz Elias advocates acceptance, respect and courage both publicly and internally. In this way, we want to make our contribution to a cosmopolitan, diverse and democratic society.
Are you looking for help?
Every life is unique
Head of Hospice Elias
“How do I deal with it when I am confronted with finiteness? Approaching this intimate and individual question guides, motivates and tests us as a team time and again in our daily work. People live in life and they also live in death. We should treat both with dignity and appreciation.”